Financial Information

Factsheet Ratios

Based on Closing Price on 30th of August 2024
Closing Price RM 1.44
52-Week High2 RM 1.55
52-Week Low2 RM 0.99
P/E Ratio 1,4
Current Price per Share / Historical EPS
Dividend Yield 3,4
Annual Dividends per Share / Current Price per Share
2.78 %
Price / Revenue 1,4
Current Price per Share* Issued Shares / Revenue

Fundamentals 2023 2022
Historical EPS 8.18 SEN
7.92 SEN
Historical NAV
(Total Equity attributable to owners of the Company) / Issued Shares
RM 1.32 RM 1.29
P/E Ratio
Price per Share / Historical EPS

Growth 2023 2022
Revenue Growth
(Current Revenue - Last Year Revenue) / Last Year Revenue
Profit Growth
(Current Profit - Last Year Profit) / Last Year Profit

1 based on latest on 24th of April 2024..
2 based on unadjusted close price data.
3 based on dividend announced in the for financial year 2023.
4 based on closing price - Friday, 30th of August 2024.