Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility

The Poh Kong Group is committed to uphold sound corporate social responsibility (CSR) policies and practices in our daily operations to ensure sustainability and long-term growth. Our CSR initiatives were focused in our workplace, marketplace, community and the environment during the year.


Training and Development

To promote and develop our human capital to meet challenges, the Company continues to build and upgrade our human resources to ensure they realise their full potential and talents by conducting staff training programmes to increase their career advancement.


Poh Kong has contributed sponsorships and provided monetary support to charitable organisations, healthcarerelated societies, associations and schools, underscoring the Company’s commitment to corporate citizenship.

MCRA Charity Golf 2017
Malaysia Retailer Chain Association (MRCA) organised their exclusive VIP Charity Golf 2017 in association with Malaysian SME’s to promote health and wellness and raise funds for a host of charities in the country. Poh Kong was one of the Hole-in-One sponsors along with other corporate patrons in the tournament held at the Tropicana Golf & Country Resort.


Investor and Customer Relation

The Group carries out activities in a sustainable manner and promotes responsible practices among our investors and customers. These include efforts to engage with its shareholders and investors through various channels of communications, such as quarterly financial reports, analyst briefings and annual general meeting.

Customers are at the focus point of everything the Company does in developing and providing innovative, top notch quality products and services that meet the expectations of a wide base of customers’ demands and earns their trust.


The Group has embedded environmental sustainability principles into its business operations and practices. It is committed in upholding responsible practices in promoting green awareness activities, such as reducing and recycling paper, the usage of energy efficient appliances or LED lighting and encouraging environment-friendly lifestyles.

Our on-going green campaign includes protecting the environment through green awareness and eco-friendly activities that reduces carbon footprint and waste in the manufacturing processes.