a) |
To determine the core competencies and skills required of Directors to best serve the
business and operations of the Company as a whole and the optimum size of the Board
to reflect the desired skills and competencies. |
b) |
To review the size of Non-Executive Directors, Board balance and determine if additional
Directors are required and also to ensure that at least one-third (1/3) of the Board is
independent. |
c) |
To consider in making its recommendations, candidates for directorships proposed by
the Board or shareholder. |
d) |
To review and assess nominations for appointment or re-appointment of members of the
Board, the key executives of the Company, and members of the various Board
committees, for the purpose of proposing such nominations to the Board for approval. |
e) |
To undertake a review of the required mix of skills, independence, experience, diversity
and other qualities of directors, including core competencies which Non-Executive
Directors should bring to the Board and to disclose this in the Annual Report. |
f) |
To review the Board structure, its size and composition annually having regard to the
scope and nature of the operations and the core competencies of the Directors. |
g) |
To review and determine on an annual basis, the independence of Independent Directors. |
h) |
To ensure that the tenure of an Independent Directors shall not exceed a term limit of 9
years. Upon completion of 9 years, an Independent Director may continue serving on the
Board as a Non-Independent Director. |
i) |
To assist the Board to implement a procedure to be carried out by the Committee for
assessing the effectiveness of the Board as a whole and the Board Committees, as well
as for assessing the contributions and performance of individual Directors and Board
Committee members. |
j) |
To introduce such regulations, guidelines, policies and/or procedures to function effectively and fulfill the Committee’s objectives. |
k) |
To review and determine the training needs of Directors and to recommend relevant training and workshops, where appropriate. |
l) |
To ensure that new appointees to the Board are based on objective criteria, merit and
with due regard for diversity in skills, experience, age, cultural background and gender
as well as to undergo an orientation and education programmes. |
m) |
To review the succession plans and development programme for directors and key management positions. |
n) |
To ensure the Board comprises at least 30% women directors. |
o) |
To assess performance of retiring Directors and recommend them for re-election. |
p) |
Such other duties or functions as may be delegated by the Board or required by regulatory authorities.