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Financial Statements

Group Group
2011 2010
Continuing operation
Revenue 139,857,350 117,107,133
Other operating income 1,405,689 1,391,863
Advertising expenses (5,086,145) (3,419,301)
Contract and outsourcing cost (15,983,877) (13,190,560)
Depreciation of property & equipment (1,742,895) (1,413,416)
Rental of office and equipment (1,928,151) (1,500,295)
Staff costs (45,111,074) (36,313,235)
Telecommunication expenses (1,319,963) (1,070,652)
Travelling expenses (1,031,323) (635,468)
Other operating expenses (14,580,002) (10,513,313)
Results from operating activities 54,479,609 50,442,756
Interest income 1,374,439 1,007,657
Impairment loss on intangibles - (330,000)
Finance costs (10,941) (14,333)
(Loss)/Gain on financial assets classified
  as fair value through profit or loss
(1,075,071) 185,662
Share of profit of equity accounted associates
  and jointly-controlled entities, net of tax
5,052,819 3,864,495
Profit before tax 59,820,855 55,156,237
Income tax expense (14,356,386) (12,018,589)
Profit for the year 45,464,469 43,137,648
Attributable to:
Owners of the Company 43,356,714 40,980,718
Non-controlling interests 2,107,755 2,156,930
Profit for the year 45,464,469 43,137,648
Basic earnings per ordinary share based on profit attributable to owners of the Company (sen) 13.61 13.01
Diluted earnings per ordinary share based on profit attributable to owners of the Company (sen) 13.30 12.65
Group Group
2011 2010
Property and equipment 15,598,472 14,332,248
Intangible assets 2,648,047 2,648,047
Investments in subsidiaries - -
Investments in associates and a jointly-controlled entity 82,190,319 81,116,506
Other investments 25,754,378 27,427,911
Deferred tax assets 3,496,081 3,036,088
Total non-current assets 129,687,297 128,560,800
Other investments 25,679,361 12,027,783
Tax recoverable 28,645 6,710
Trade and other receivables 15,293,921 13,090,450
Prepayments and other assets 1,482,512 1,114,662
Cash and cash equivalents 65,647,602 50,180,499
Total current assets 108,132,041 76,420,104
Total assets 237,819,338 204,980,904
Share capital 64,017,580 63,680,000
Reserves 123,033,382 103,481,542
Total equity attributable to owners of the Company 187,050,962 167,161,542
Non-controlling interests 1,459,148 1,149,892
Total equity 188,510,110 168,311,434
Loan and borrowing 227,175 368,843
Deferred tax liabilities 37,480 6,056
Total non-current liabilities 264,655 374,899
Loan and borrowing 169,891 157,815
Deferred income 32,040,509 24,465,214
Trade and other payables 14,651,662 8,829,296
Taxation 2,182,511 2,842,246
Total current liabilities 49,044,573 36,294,571
Total liabilities 49,309,228 36,669,470
Total equity and liabilities 237,819,338 204,980,904
Group Group
2011 2010
Cash flows from operating activities
Profit before tax 59,820,855 55,156,237
Adjustments for:
  Depreciation of property and equipment 1,742,895 1,413,416
  Property and equipment written off 20,132 5
  (Gain)/Loss on disposal of property and   equipment (3,038) 20,015
  Share-based payments 585,501 1,068,197
  Share of profit after tax and minority interest of     equity accounted associates and a jointly-
    controlled entity
(5,052,819) (3,864,495)
  Dividend income (1,628,798) (1,032,312)
  Negative goodwill on acquisition of a subsidiary - (564,928)
  Interest income (1,374,439) (1,007,657)
  Finance costs 10,941 14,333
  Investment distribution income (380,383) (232,148)
  Impairment loss on intangibles assets - 330,000
  Loss/(Gain) on financial assets classified as
     fair value through profit or loss
1,075,071 (185,662)
  Unrealised foreign exchange (gain)/loss (137,703) 187,065
Operating profit before working capital changes 54,678,215 51,302,066
Changes in trade and other receivables (2,106,635) (2,757,700)
Changes in prepayments and other assets (370,120) (15,974)
Changes in deferred income 7,309,278 6,279,945
Changes in trade and other payables 4,688,175 19,148
Cash generated from operations 64,198,913 54,827,485
Income tax paid (15,655,652) (12,813,809)
Interest received 1,374,439 1,007,657
Finance costs (10,941) (14,333)
Net cash generated from operating activities 49,906,759 43,007,000
Cash flows from investing activities
Acquisition of a subsidiary, net of cash acquired - 1,490,026
Investment distribution income received 380,383 232,148
Increase in investments in an associate (2,011,940) (11,740,811)
Acquisition of other investments (15,101,833) (17,424,202)
Acquisition of property and equipment (3,062,113) (2,267,425)
Acquisition of treasury shares (82,172) (4,910)
Proceeds from disposal of property and equipment 3,058 9,232
Dividends received from an associate 4,712,709 3,072,978
Dividends received from other investments 1,628,798 1,032,312
Net cash used in investing activities (13,533,110) (25,600,652)
Cash flows from financing activities
Dividends paid to shareholders of the Company (23,164,493) (17,360,920)
Dividends paid to non-controlling interests (902,448) (3,035,133)
Proceeds from issuance of shares pursuant to ESOS 2,393,711 3,568,734
Repayment of borrowings (169,891) (157,816)
Net cash used in financing activities (21,843,121) (16,985,135)
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 14,530,528 421,213
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year 50,180,499 50,640,907
Effects of exchange rate fluctuations on cash held 936,575 (881,621)
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year 65,647,602 50,180,499
Cash and cash equivalents comprise:
Deposits with licensed banks 54,406,721 38,862,244
Cash and bank balances 11,240,881 11,318,255
65,647,602 50,180,499