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Financial Statements

Group Group
2017 2016
Continuing operation
Revenue 9,895,392 9,231,058
Other operating income 14,851 2,448,797
Contract and outsourcing cost (668,561) (808,875)
Depreciation of property & equipment (110,146) (132,663)
Rental of office and equipment (120,069) (162,969)
Staff costs (4,204,677) (4,824,581)
Other operating expenses (6,030,276) (2,542,384)
Results from operating activities (1,223,486) 3,208,383
Interest income 7,474 13,141
Loss on financial assets
  classified as fair value
  through profit or loss
(412,175) (1,776,857)
Gain/(loss) on accretion/(dilution) of interest in an associate 52,180 (785,609)
Loss on changes in fair value of
  investment properties
(300,000) -
Gain on disposal of investments
  in quoted shares
138,322 -
Share of profit of equity
  accounted associates, net of tax
10,579,288 12,686,117
Profit before tax 8,841,603 13,345,175
Tax expense (1,976,950) (1,930,477)
Profit for the year 6,864,653 11,414,698
Profit for the year 6,864,653 11,414,698
Other comprehensive income,
  net of tax
Items that are or may be
  reclassified subsequently to
   profit or loss
Foreign currency translation
  differences for foreign operations
(1,923,605) (314,202)
Fair value of available-for-sale
  financial assets
- Gain on price change 7,477,917 8,945,547
- (Loss)/Gain on exchange differences (4,790,693) 1,415,570
Fair value of available-for-sale
  financial assets
Share of (loss)/gain of equity
   accounted associates
(418,314) 7,166,715
Total other comprehensive
   income for the year, net of tax
345,305 17,213,630
Total comprehensive income for
   the year
7,209,958 28,628,328
Profit attributable to:
Owners of the Company 6,816,696 11,351,763
Non-controlling interests 47,957 62,935
Profit for the year 6,864,653 11,414,698
Total comprehensive income
  attributable to:
Owners of the Company 7,166,467 28,568,630
Non-controlling interests 43,491 59,698
Total comprehensive income
   for the year
7,209,958 28,628,328
Basic earnings per ordinary share based on profit attributable to owners of the Company (sen) 4.88 8.12
Group Group
2017 2016
Property and equipment 286,153 376,152
Investment Properties 19,888,000 20,188,000
Investments in associates 121,823,632 125,164,838
Other investments 59,191,137 55,800,029
Total non-current assets 201,188,922 201,529,019
Other investments 48,580,485 94,379,859
Curent tax assets - 179,745
Trade and other receivables 1,262,877 838,413
Prepayments and other assets 123,017 118,887
Deposits with licensed banks with original maturities 44,110,400 33,181,600
Cash and cash equivalents 41,774,591 3,195,529
Total current assets 135,851,370 131,894,033
Total assets 337,040,292 333,423,052
Share capital 196,619,727 70,000,000
Reserves 138,420,914 261,032,519
Total equity attributable to owners of the Company 335,040,641 331,032,519
Non-controlling interests 65,010 21,519
Total equity 335,105,651 331,054,038
Deferred tax liabilities 49,239 87,220
Total non-current liabilities 49,239 87,220
Other payables 1,823,030 2,274,864
Current tax payables 62,372 6,930
Total current liabilities 1,885,402 2,281,794
Total liabilities 1,934,641 2,369,014
Total equity and liabilities 337,040,292 333,423,052
Group Group
2017 2016
Cash flows from operating activities
Profit before tax 8,841,603 13,345,175
Adjustments for:
  Changes in fair value of
    investment properties
300,000 -
  Depreciation of property and
110,146 132,663
  Share of profit after tax of
    equity-accounted associates
(10,579,288) (12,686,117)
  Dividend income (3,308,018) (1,964,756)
  Interest income (1,175,311) (1,401,335)
  Investment distribution income (2,701,947) (2,208,447)
  Gain on disposal of investments
    in quoted shares
(138,322) -
  Loss on financial assets classified
    as fair value through profit or loss
412,175 1,776,857
  (Gain)/Loss on (accretion)/dilution
    of interest in an associate
(52,180) 785,609
  Unrealised foreign exchange
3,814,224 (3,506,941)
Operating loss before working capital changes (4,476,918) (5,727,292)
Changes in trade and other receivables 240,452 228,223
Changes in prepayments and other assets (5,789) (14,483)
Changes in other payables (230,900) (556,073)
Cash used in operations (4,473,155) (6,069,625)
Income tax paid (1,778,329) (1,710,860)
Interest received 488,144 1,401,335
Net cash used in operating activities (5,763,340) (6,379,150)
Cash flows from investing activities
Acquisition of investments in
  quoted shares
(2,014,657) -
Acquisition of other investments (5,397,303) (74,135,655)
Acquisition of property and equipment (20,253) (74,450)
Acquisition of treasury shares (360,983) (1,780)
Dividends received from an associate 11,665,784 1,964,756
Dividends received from other
  other investments
3,308,018 19,839,482
Investment distribution income
2,701,947 2,208,447
Net change in deposits with
  licensed banks with original
   maturities more than 3 months
(10,928,800) (33,181,600)
Proceeds from disposal of
  investments in quoted shares
1,103,153 -
Proceeds from disposal of
  other investments
51,109,336 2,418,150
Net cash from/(used in) investing activities 51,166,242 (93,043,948)
Cash flows from financing activities
  Dividends paid to shareholders of the Company (2,797,362) (2,273,226)
Net cash used in financing activities (2,797,362) (2,273,226)
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 42,605,540 (101,696,324)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year 3,195,529 101,629,445
Effects of exchange rate fluctuations on cash held (4,026,478) 3,262,408
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year 41,774,591 3,195,529
Cash and cash equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents included in the statements of cash flows comprise the following statements of financial position amounts:
Deposits with licensed banks 32,027,775 313,231
Cash and bank balances 9,746,816 2,882,298
41,774,591 3,195,529